Guide: How to get Certs Easily

Getting certification points in Planetside 2 can be real pain some times, in this guide I will talk about a few ways you can grind and get cert points in a relatively easy way. This isn't the most fun part of the game and it's really just something for people who wants to buy that new gun in the game and have to get a lot of certs in order to obtain in. The guide is about legit tactics that doesn't break any of Planetside 2 rules, this mean the tactics for getting certs will be a bit slower but you won't risk your account. Taking part in illegal activity that isn't allowed in the Planetside 2 rules is not anything I would recommend, a lot of people have been banned for doing so and the risk is simply to high if you look at the minimal reward.

Before we get started there's a few basic things you need to know about cert points in Planetside 2. For every 250 experience points that you get you will receive 1 cert points. doesn't sound like a lot but it will stack up when you're doing the right things in the game. For example you get around 125 exp for each kill in the game, so two kills will give you a cert point.
There's also cert boosters that can be bought in the store, if you have some spare cash and your serious about getting more cert points, getting these boosters could be a good idea, but it's not a have to, you will do just fine without the boosters too.

Here's a few general tips and tricks before we get started.

#1 Don't be the first to run into the battle, if you're grinding for certs it's important to play it safe, be the coward in the back. Dieing will greatly slow down your certs gain per hour, so don't die and be a pussy.

#2 Spot everything you see. The default key for spotting is "Q" but you can set it on any key that you want. If someone on your faction kill the enemy that you spotted you will get rewarded for that, so spotting is a great way of getting free experience points without having to do anything really. So spam that spot key when you see enemies, this will also help your teammates in battle.

#3 Fight where the big battles are. Check your map and see where the big battles are taking place, spawn there and join the action, there's no point in fighting battles where there's barley any enemies.

Getting certs by racking up some kills

One of the best ways of getting certs in the game is by getting kills. Play a Sunderer or a tank is by far the best way of getting kills (if you we don't consider air vehicles)
When playing as a tank it's important to focus on two types of targets to be as efficient as possible. And that's infantry and air targets that are standing still in the air. I would avoid trying other tanks because tank battles can take forever if they have a engineer repairing or if you keep missing, so only go for other tanks if they're a easy target.
Infantry enemies hiding behind a sunderer or hanging around in a big group are a easy target for a tank and with just a few shots you can get a lot of easy kills.
If you don't like playing in any of the tanks you can do the same thing with the heavy assault and it's rocket launcher, just make sure you have a sunderer or a engineer to resupply you when firing your rocket launcher away on infantry and vehicles.

Playing the support classes

Play as both the medic and the engineer in Planetside 2 is a great way of getting cert points, if you're not a skilled shooter and you have trouble getting any kills then playing as support is the better chooise for you. You can get almost as much certs per hour as support as you would if you would kill enemies instead, it all depends on your skill level of course. Resuracting a dead player as the medic will give you 90 exp and healing other players is also a great way of stacking up the exp. As a engineer you can drop ammo supply, it's important that you drop these ammo boxes where there's a lot of players, near capture points, door ways or just in general where there's a lot of allies shooting around.
Heavy assault players for example use a lot of ammo with their rocket launcher, so keep resupplying them is a good way of getting exp.
Repairing as a engineer is a important too, so keep repairing MAX's, turrets and vehicles around you.

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